Wrestler Profiles
Event Centre
Roleplay Board
Post Roleplay
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Creative Control
Run-in / Angle
Match Request
Golden Moose
Knuckle Awards
Contact Commissioner Hugh
- Please try not to get too
racist or anything like that….we don’t want to offend people of other
races that may want to join GCW.
- Extra long roleplays DO NOT
gain extra credit in GCW…..it’s QUALITY that counts…..not colour, not
quantity, not pictures, and not sounds.
- All we ask is that you try
and roleplay a minimum of 2 times a week. Feel free to roleplay as many times as you want…..but the
more you post doesn’t mean you’re going to win….it’s all about quality.
- Just like “real”
wrestling…..we determine who wins and we determine this by the quality
of your roleplays. We create the
story-lines and the matches for the shows based on the feuds that are
starting between wrestlers. If
you have an idea for a story for your character you’d like to have
happen on a show…..let us know and we will take a look at your
idea. We make the final decision
on what story-lines will be added to the shows.
- If you do not want to be
paid with porn…….feel free to refuse it…..but you will not receive
anything else in it’s place.
- GCW is an uncensored e-fed
but please try to keep it within reason. Feel free to be more extreme than the WWF is….we encourage
it……but don’t make it seem like you’re having sex with women in your
interviews and ridiculous stuff like that.
- There will be two shows a
week……one show (GCW Monday Night) will be a highlight type show. You don’t have to worry about
roleplaying for this show….there won’t be any matches of any
importance…..just a couple dark matches. The show will have a section where a different wrestler
will be chosen each week to be interviewed on this show. You will
receive a list of the questions that will be asked and you are required
to reply to the email with your answers……this does count as a roleplay
during the week. The second show
(GCW Totally Exposed) will be the one that matters. It will be held every Saturday and
this is the show were all the big matches will be….these are the matches
you roleplay for. All matches
for Totally Exposed will be announced on GCW Monday Night by the
- GCW will also have House
Shows throughout the month…..there is no need to roleplay for these
shows but if you want to mention them go right ahead. Matches will be booked by the
Commissioner and the cards will be posted……on the day of the event……the
winners of the matches will be posted on the page.
- GCW has one PPV a month
which will be announced on one of the shows and matches will be
announced and posted on the site for each PPV.
- As far as roleplaying
goes……the MOST important thing….and please remember this…….ALWAYS STAY
IN CHARACTER!!!! If something
bad happens to you on a show……act along with the story-line…….and when
you’re writing up your roleplays…..remember you’re a character and not
trash talking with your buddies……try to make some sense. Humour in your roleplays is always
good……because it makes them interesting to read. We suggest starting your roleplays
from a location of your choice…..describe the setting briefly so we can
get some sort of mental picture where your wrestler is doing their
interview from. Your wrestler
can be pretty much anywhere they want to be when they conduct their
interview……however they cannot be inside the ring during a show unless
you have approval from the GCW Commissioner….then your interview will be
placed directly in the show. Roleplays for shows would have to be somewhat short because
we don’t want to fill up the show with roleplays and they DO NOT count
as roleplays during the week.
Feel free to have other characters in your roleplays……however DO
NOT put other wrestlers in your roleplays unless they have given you
permission to do so. In other
words you can’t beat up someone you’re feuding with in your
roleplays…..you can have interviewers or commentators of GCW……or
Hollywood stars, etc.