Welcome to the World of Fantasy Wrestling (E-Feds)
Not sure if you should join GCW because you don’t even understand what a fantasy wrestling e-fed is??
Well hopefully this will help you understand what an
e-fed is. In fantasy sports leagues you
make teams and get real stars for those teams, etc, etc…..well this is a bit
different and more fun in my opinion then fantasy sports leagues. In GCW you make up your own wrestling
character…..you can have two if you’d like to have a tag team……but this
wrestler(s) you make is all your idea of what you would look like if you were a
wrestler or what you think the ideal wrestling character would be. You make up his name…..you make up his ring
attire and appearance….you make up a bio describing his background, etc….plus
you decide his height, weight, theme music, hometown….stuff like that. After making your superstar…..then it comes
time to talk the talk for your wrestling superstar. This is what we call “roleplays”……in these roleplays you will set
up the scene as to where your interview is taking place…….it could be backstage
at a house show….it could be out in the parking lot….in a dark alley……from
mcdonald’s…..basically you can have your interview take place pretty much
anywhere you would like. Usually the
opening of your roleplay would include the setting…..see the example below…..
(Cameras open at a GCW House show……explosions and
your wrestlers theme music starts…..the crowd cheers/boos. He makes his way down to the ring…….grabs a
mic and enters the ring…)
It can be that basic or you can go into more detail
trying to give people reading a mental picture of what is going on in your
roleplay. It’s kinda like writing a
script for a play or something…..except you’re only writing lines for pretty
much one character. You can add more
characters such as: (GCW announcers/interviewers, manager/valet, other made up
people, possibly Hollywood stars) But
you CANNOT have any other wrestlers in your interviews unless they’re part of
your team or something or you have their permission. So you can’t jump other wrestlers in your roleplays.
In the body of your roleplay is where you will type
what your wrestler or other people in the interview are saying. Try to remember you’re a wrestling character
not John Smith or whatever your name is.
You can swear and say whatever you’d like but just try to remember to
ALWAYS play along with story lines just like if you were a real wrestler in the
WWF….you would have to follow the story lines created by Vince McMahon or
another story writer in the WWF.
The best thing I can suggest is look at the roleplays
of other wrestlers in GCW. See how
they set up their roleplays…..check out how long their roleplays are….use their
roleplays to give you an idea of how it’s done. Please don’t copy their
material…..use it as a guideline to help you out. Some of the more experienced roleplayers in GCW are: The Weazyl,
Charter, Zeus, and Comfortably Numb.
Your wrestler will be placed in matches on different
shows in GCW…..the results of the shows are all hand written and you will be
able to read up and see how your wrestler did on the show or what happened to
him, etc. It’s just like being a
wrestler without the all the pain of being one. You also have some creative control of your character as you can
request matches for him to be in…..plus you can suggest run-in’s or other
angles for your wrestler to do in one of the shows.
GCW is a e-fed with a lot of history and has turned a
lot of people with NO E-FED experience in to some of the best roleplayers on
the net…….and also showed them just how much fun there is in being a part of
GCW. Have fun creating heat with other
people in GCW and having heated feuds with them just like on TV……but always
remember everything is done IN CHARACTER and are not personal insults at you….but
rather at your CHARACTER.
Why not take the chance and JOIN GCW